There is a more recent version of this academic item available.
This major/minor/specialisation instance is currently phasing out


For development to be sustainable it must meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.  What does this mean? How do we achieve it? Who are the “we” that make decisions towards such an arbitrary goal? And how do we … For more content click the Read more button below. The major in sustainability and development seeks to unpack these key issues through an interdisciplinary approach that incorporates the perspectives of Development Studies, Anthropology, History, Geography, Politics, International Relations, Sociology and Economics. By combining relevant theory, with practical skills and experience, students will gain knowledge, competency and employability in this growing sector.

Available in courses

Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Arts - Melbourne (Bundoora)
Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Arts - Melbourne (Bundoora)
Bachelor of Arts - Melbourne (Bundoora)
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Health Sciences - Melbourne (Bundoora)
Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Arts - Melbourne (Bundoora)
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Health Sciences - Melbourne (Bundoora)

Career opportunities

Studying sustainability and development builds skills in critical thinking, cultural awareness and communication to prepare you for a range of careers.

Possible roles include:

  • Community liaison officer
  • Grant acquisition specialist
  • Policy officer
  • Community Development Officer
  • Humanitarian affairs officer
  • Project manager