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Completion requirements

To qualify for the award of Healthcare (Nursing Foundation), students must complete 360 credit points as follows: 360 core credit-points

Course structure
360 credit points

Course features

Work based learning (placement) requirements

Compulsory placements (Work Based Learning)
During this course, you will participate in one or more supervised Work Based Learning (WBL) placements designed to allow you to practice newly acquired skills, behaviours and knowledge while integrating theory with practice. The placements will immerse you in professional work culture, enabling you to develop and further enhance your skills. WBL provides you with the opportunity to gain valuable industry experience at one or more of our local, interstate or international industry partners or agencies. WBL placements will generally be arranged by the College based Placements Operation Team or Experiential Learning Team at La Trobe University. The number of hours undertaken can vary considerably, depending on the requirements of the course. Students may incur additional costs and it may be necessary to travel or relocate to complete a specific placement. Please refer to the individual subject entries for more information.

Other opportunities

Student exchange and overseas short programs offer a unique opportunity for a meaningful learning and educational experience abroad. La Trobe University encourages all students to make the world their campus by participating in an exchange or overseas short program that fits within your degree structure.

Partner provider

Wodonga Institute of TAFE (Wodonga TAFE)

External pathways

External pathways into this course